Honoring the Outgoing and Incoming CCAR Board of Trustees

The CCAR honors the 2023-2025 Outgoing Board of Trustees


President: Rabbi Erica Asch
President Elect: Rabbi David Lyon
Immediate Past President: Rabbi Lewis Kamrass

Vice President, Varied Rabbinates: Rabbi Stephen Rau
Vice President, Financial Affairs: Rabbi Daniel Levin
Vice President, Leadership: Rabbi Randy Sheinberg
Vice President, Organizational Relationships: Rabbi Barry Block
Vice President, Programs and Member Support: Rabbi Richard Kellner

Rabbi Jeremy Barras

Rabbi Jonathan Blake
Rabbi Andrea Goldstein
Rabbi Stephanie Kramer
Rabbi Daniel Mikelberg
Rabbi Cookie Lea Olshein
Rabbi Andrea Steinberger
Rabbi Rachel Van Thyn

Rabbi Alysa Mendelson Graf (WRN)
Rabbi Gary Glickstein (NAORRR)
Rabbi Richard Jacobs (URJ)
Dr. Andrew Rehfeld, PhD (HUC-JIR)

The CCAR honors the 2025-2027 Incoming Board of Trustees

President: Rabbi David Lyon
President Elect: Rabbi Richard Kellner
Immediate Past President: Rabbi Erica Asch

Vice President, Varied Rabbinates: Rabbi Cookie Lea Olshein
Vice President, Financial Affairs: Rabbi Daniel Levin
Vice President, Leadership: Rabbi Stephanie Kramer
Vice President, Organizational Relationships: Rabbi Jeremy Barras
Vice President, Programs and Member Support: Rabbi Randy Sheinberg

Rabbi Jonathan Blake

Rabbi Melissa Buyer Witman
Rabbi Andrea Goldstein
Rabbi Jaqueline Mates-Muchin
Rabbi Daniel Mikelberg 
Rabbi Peter Stein 
Rabbi Rachel Van Thyn
Rabbi Stephen Wise

Rabbi Gary Glickstein (NAORRR)

Rabbi Emily Segal (WRN)
Rabbi Richard Jacobs (URJ)
Dr. Andrew Rehfeld, PhD (HUC-JIR)