Convening in Jerusalem

Resolution Adopted by the CCAR


Adopted at the 106th Annual Convention of the

Central Conference of American Rabbis

Jerusalem, Israel

March, 1995 / Adar II, 5755

Meeting in convention in the holy city of Jerusalem, the eternal capital of

Israel and of the Jewish people, the members of the Central Conference of

American Rabbis are mindful of the time and events that fill our hearts and


Ours is a generation of tragedy and restoration. Fifty years ago, the world

was horrified by the revelations of atrocity at Auschwitz which emerged upon

its liberation. Our people had been deeply wounded – six million had been

brutally murdered; the European center of our life which had flourished for

over a thousand years was destroyed; the civilized world had chosen to look

away from its own failures. At the same time, the gates to the homeland were

barred to Jewish olim, and anti-Semitism was virulently active even in those

countries which had fought to victory against the Nazis.

Today we assemble in an Israel restored, a Jewish sovereign state about to

become the largest center of Jews in the world. God has restored the fortunes

of Zion. Our people have revived the neglected land and made it a home for

our downtrodden, from Ethiopia to Siberia. We have outlasted our totalitarian

enemies. Jews have reached unprecedented heights of economic and political

security in Western countries.

We are blessed with the ability to assemble in anticipation of the 3000th

anniversary of the founding of Jerusalem, the hundredth anniversary of the

first Zionist Congress and the fiftieth anniversary of the establishment of

the State of Israel.

We feel a deep sense of privilege in being both witnesses to these events and

participants in shaping their development. The CCAR reaffirms its full

support for a united Jerusalem under Israeli political control.

We rejoice that we stand within your gates, O Jerusalem, and, as humble

pilgrims, we pray for your peace and well being.

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Central Conference of American Rabbis

reaffirm its full support for a united Jerusalem under Israeli political

control. We resolve to seek the good of Jerusalem, and the well-being and the

good of all Israel: Be praised O Eternal, whose shelter of peace is spread