CCAR Membership Dues

January 2025: Information on proposed updates to the CCAR dues structure can be found here.

Dear Colleague

As Dues Chair for the CCAR, I am glad to reciprocate in service of the support that I’ve received over the forty years of my active rabbinate. In these challenging times, membership in your rabbinic organization is more important than ever.

The CCAR provides outstanding continuing education, high quality publications, impactful regional and national conventions, member support and wellness programming, rabbinic career services, and a public voice for the Reform Movement. These services, supported by your dues, strengthen and support your rabbinate, so that you, your community, and Reform Jewish values can thrive in this difficult moment.

Our Conference is continuing to evolve in order to address the needs not only of congregational rabbis, but also those whose rabbinate is in an academic environment, Hillel, hospital or care facility, agency, or one of many other community-based positions, and we are committed to further growth in this respect. And if you are transitioning to a new job, approaching retirement, in need of career advice, or confronting personal or professional challenges, please reach out to CCAR professional staff who are available to respond with compassion and to offer guidance.  

As I am sure you appreciate, it is the financial support of our members that enables the CCAR to fulfill our mission and to provide these and other essential services. And while publication sales, donations, and grants are helpful, our annual dues provide a vital contribution to the CCAR’s revenue. 

Annual dues for the 2024–2025 year, which begins July 1, 2024, are based upon income in order to ensure parity, and should be calculated according to the schedule on the Dues Commitment Form. Please complete this Form, making sure your contact information is current, and send it along with your full annual dues by July 31 in accordance with Conference policy. If, however, you are unable to pay the entire dues amount at this time, please specify on the Form. 

We want to make it possible for you to be part of the CCAR, no matter your financial situation. If you have questions about your dues, are currently experiencing financial hardship for any reason, or need to discuss your situation confidentially, please contact me at If you need to continue your current dues adjustment arrangement, you are welcome to do so without contacting me. All communication will be held in the strictest confidence. 

In recognition of our annual requirement for Continuing Rabbinic Education (CRE), please note the Dues Form includes places to indicate you have read the CCAR Code of Ethics, as well as completed five hours of continuing education during the 2023–2024 dues year. Continuing education opportunities are  offered through a variety of institutions within our Movement and beyond and may be in person or online. Please find those resources most useful to you. If 2023–2024 was your first year of membership, two of the five hours must have been in the area of ethics. 

Thank you for your ongoing involvement, support, and commitment to the vitality of the CCAR.

Rabbi Melanie Aron

Dues Chair, CCAR

2024-2025 Hard Copy Dues Form

2023-2024 Hard Copy Dues Form