The CCAR is proud to announce the formation of the Task Force on the Experience of Women in the Rabbinate. The CCAR is taking an active step toward addressing the reality of life in the rabbinate as experienced by women rabbis. Please read the official announcement of the Task Force from the CCAR, including the full list of task force members.
The committee members of the Task Force on the Experience of Women in the Rabbinate are pleased to provide the following resources for our members for their own professional growth, as well as the overall advancement of their communities.
Implicit Bias ResourcesTraining materials and lessons | "The Clergy Monologues"A video teaching tool and discussion guide designed to highlight gender bias in Jewish spaces. |
ToolsStaff training and assessments, awareness-raising program, compensation study, Ethics code, and more. | RitualsLinks to related material. |
Sermons and Text StudySample sermons and text study materials. | ArticlesLinks to related articles from within the Jewish world and the wider world. |
ResearchMajor research papers on the topic of women in the workplace. |