
Resolution Adopted by the CCAR


Digests of resolutions adopted by the

Central Conference of American Rabbis

between 1889 and 1974

1. We find substantial progress in the expansion of employment opportunities

and in

legislation against discrimination. We point with pride to the contributions


by Conference members through voluntary service on the President’s Committee

on Fair

Employment Practices; boards of Negro social work institutions; on racial

commissions of

governors and mayors. (1945. p. 122)

2. See American Indians.


  • We appeal to the President of the United States and the Secretaries of

    War and Navy

    to admit the Negro on equal terms with other Americans. (1942, p. 100)

  • We urge equality of opportunity in all branches of the armed services of

    our country

    for our Negro fellow citizens, without regard to color or race. (1943, p.


  • Reiterated 1944, p. 96.

  • We regret that the pamphlet "The Races of Mankind" has been

    banned by the U.S.O.

    and the War Department. If such pamphlets were distributed among our soldiers,


    would be easier to do away with segregation in the Army and to have amicable


    among our citizens when the war is over. (1944, p. 97)

  • We appeal to the American Red Cross and to the Army and Navy Departments

    to end the

    segregation of the blood of Negro donors. This policy is an affront to the


    Negroes for which sanction can be found neither in religion, morality nor


    (1944, p. 97)

  • We strongly urge that since the draft law was passed, every effort be

    made to democratize

    the armed forces through the reform of the court martial procedure along lines


    civilian justice, the abolition of caste privileges and the elimination of

    racial segregation. (1948, p. 127)

  • We commend the President of the U.S. and Secretary of Defense Lewis A.

    Johnson, for

    their recent statements frowning upon segregation in the armed forces and hope


    they will vigorously follow through to eliminate discrimination in the

    nation’s military. (1949, p. 129)


  • See Civil Liberties, Sec. 5 (1938)

  • The disparate nature of Negro and white educational facilities and

    advantages is

    most apparent in the Southern states. In Georgia, Mississippi and So.

    Carolina, only

    20 cents is spent for a Negro pupil for each dollar spent per white pupil. We


    full support, therefore, of S181, the Federal Aid to Education Bill, to

    correct these

    injustices. (1945, p. 125)

  • We applaud the majority report of the President’s Commission on Higher


    denying federal funds to educational institutions which resort to


    practices in the enrollment of students. We hail the enactment of the


    Fair Educational Practice Bill by the State of New York. (1948, p. 127)

  • See Segregation, Sec. 1 (1955)


  • We strongly urge that the President’s Fair Employment Practice Committee

    be made

    a permanent function of our Government. Any discrimination in employment


    of race, nationality or religion is morally repugnant and in violation of the


    of our Constitution. (1944, p. 93)

  • We urge unstinting support of H.R.2232 and S101 for a permanent Committee

    on Fair

    Employment Practice. We reject with utter contempt a warning to Jews that they


    hands off this issue. We believe it is a sound educational as well as


    weapon. Therefore, we hail the enactment in New York State of the first Fair


    Practice Law with penalties for employers who are guilty of discrimination.


    p. 125)

  • We reaffirm our conviction that FEPC legislation has resulted in a

    greater measure

    of justice for minorities in those states where such legislation has been


    and we plead that all states follow suit. (1947, p. 69)

  • In order to achieve equal economic opportunity for minority groups, we

    must strive

    for a well-balanced, healthy economy offering full employment opportunity to


    We recommend the enactment of Federal, State and local FEPC acts forbidding

    discrimination in employment based on race, creed, color or national origin,

    applicable to private

    industry, labor unions, trade and professional associations and to the


    (1948, pp. 123-25, report)

  • Reiterated 1949, p. 130.

  • We again urge upon our Government and its people the following program:

    The enactment

    of a Fair Employment Practices Act on both state and national levels. We


    the obstacles which the Civil Rights program has encountered in Congress.


    p. 170)

  • Our foreign and domestic policies are interdependent parts of a whole.

    They cannot

    be divorced from each other or considered separately. The kind of society we


    at home will not only inevitably affect our ability to defend ourselves–it

    will also manifest to all other nations the measure of our sincerity in

    assuming the moral

    leadership of the free world. (With respect to an expanding democratic


    at home, this Conference has already gone on record in favor of federal


    to activate a Fair Employment Practices Commission to provide for racial

    equality in housing

    and recreation, and to outlaw both lynching and the poll tax.)

We deeply regret the failure of the Congress to make progress in any of these


The one point at which the President could act himself, without waiting for


approval, is on the FEPC. The substantial improvement already made toward


equality in our armed forces demonstrates how the Executive itself can

integrate our

military needs with an expansion of American democracy. There have been


in recent months that the President was prepared to reestablish the FEPC by


degree. We strongly urge him to do so without delay. (1951, pp. 103-4)

  • See Individual Rights, Sec. 1 (1953) .


  • We applaud the recent decision of the Supreme Court which held that

    restrictive covenants

    are unconstitutional. (1948, p. 126)

  • We commend those of our fellow citizens who in such areas as Stuyvesant

    Town, N.Y.

    and Levittown, L.l. have–even at great personal sacrifice–resisted the


    efforts of some property owners to deny equal and adequate housing to Negroes


    other colored people. (1951, p.106)


  • We deplore the "Jim Crow" tactics in the area of economic

    discrimination, including

    defense industries, that exists against Negroes and urge a speedy

    rectification of

    this injustice. (1941, p. 137)

  • Repeated 1942, p. 99, including Jews and foreigners against whom

    discrimination is

    also directed.

  • We applaud the unflagging efforts of the Congress of Industrial

    Organizations to

    end discrimination in industry and to extend the principle of racial


    to all aspects of national life. (1944, p. 96)


  • We commend officers and the Board of Sydenham Hospital in New York City

    for their

    inspiring example of a fully integrated inter-racial program in all phases of


    staff and services. We find a glaring incongruity in the present refusal of

    the American College of Surgeons to admit qualified Negro physicians to its

    fellowship. (1945,

    p. 125)


  • We appeal to the leaders of the trade union organizations to demand the

    removal of

    racial bars in all unions. (1942, p. 100)