CCAR Commends United Methodist Church’s Rejection of Anti-Israel Initiatives

Central Conference of American Rabbis Commends United Methodist Church’s Rejection of Anti-Israel Initiatives


Friday, May 20, 2016

The Central Conference of American Rabbis gratefully commends the United Methodist Church, which embraced the Jewish State of Israel and its quest for peace at the Church’s recently-completed quadrennial General Conference.

As it has done repeatedly in the past, the United Methodist Church again rejected attempts of some of its institutional leadership to bring the denomination into the camp of those who reject the Jewish State of Israel through affiliation with the noxious Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign to delegitimize Israel. Then, in a most welcome, if unexpected, move, the General Conference made a dramatic statement to its anti-Israel leaders and to the world, when it voted to encourage Methodist boards and agencies to end their affiliation with the U.S. Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation, an organization that promotes BDS.

Like Reform rabbis, United Methodists are committed to peace in the Middle East, which can only be achieved by a two-state solution. Like Reform rabbis, United Methodists urge Palestinian and Israeli leaders to pursue that two-state solution ardently. Like Reform rabbis, United Methodists recognize both the need for a Jewish State of Israel to exist with peace and security and the legitimate national aspirations of the Palestinian people. Like Reform rabbis, United Methodists know that BDS harms the very people it claims to wish to help, namely the Palestinian people, while calling into question the very legitimacy of a Jewish State of Israel.

Reform rabbis across North America look forward to welcoming United Methodist delegates’ return from the General Conference with the warm embrace that characterizes the long-standing relationship between our religious groups and with renewed eagerness to work together for peace and justice here in North America, for Israelis and Palestinians, and for all the world.

Rabbi Denise L. Eger            Rabbi Steven A. Fox
President                             Chief Executive

Central Conference of American Rabbis