CCAR Condemns Deceptive Campaign against Planned Parenthood
Monday, July 27, 2015
The Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR) is appalled by the falsehoods disseminated by the so-called “Center for Medical Progress,” in an effort to discredit Planned Parenthood. Even more strongly, we condemn members of Congress who have seized this manufactured moment as an excuse to eliminate federal funding for critical women’s health care.
The CCAR has long been a leading religious voice for reproductive justice. Affirming the autonomy and agency of every human being created in God’s image, we insist that women be trusted to control their bodies and plan their families in consultation with the physician of their choice and, if they wish, their partners and clergy.
Our Jewish tradition insists that truth is “first and last,” guiding our lives. Therefore, we are offended that federal legislative decisions may be based on falsehood. The truth is: No federal funds pay for abortion, at Planned Parenthood or anywhere. The truth is: Planned Parenthood does not sell fetal body parts for profit, but only recovers costs, providing fetal tissue for critical medical research, with patient consent, in compliance with the law. The truth is: Abortion care represents well under ten per cent of Planned Parenthood’s services and affiliate income, which focus instead on women’s health and family planning. The truth is: Planned Parenthood keeps abortion safe, legal, and rare. The truth is: Cutting funding to Planned Parenthood will decrease availability of health care and contraceptive care to women across the country, especially low income women, threatening women’s health, increasing the incidence of sexually transmitted infections and unplanned pregnancy, therefore leading to more, not fewer, abortions.
CCAR is proud of its members who lead and support Planned Parenthood and its affiliates across the land. Together, Planned Parenthood, Reform rabbis, and fair-minded Americans will overcome a campaign of lies intended only to restrict women’s reproductive freedom.
Rabbi Denise L. Eger Rabbi Steven A. Fox
President Chief Executive
Central Conference of American Rabbis