The rabbis of the Central Conference of American Rabbis are devastated by this morning’s horrific tragedy at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh that has resulted in injury and loss of life. We send our deepest condolences to the families of the victims of this senseless act of violence, and healing prayers to the injured, as well as our compassionate concern for the entire Pittsburgh Jewish community. We unite with American Jews everywhere in mourning this unthinkable antisemitic violence, and stand with all goodhearted Americans against hate of any kind.
Central Conference of American Rabbis
Rabbi David E. Stern
Rabbi Steven A. Fox
Chief Executive
The Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR) shares a number of beautiful prayers of healing and guidance for clergy and educators. Download the PDF to print in whole or in part, dependent on your needs. For more resources, please view In the Wake of Tragedy: Resources for Coping after the Pittsburgh Synagogue Shootings, from the Union for Reform Judaism.