Sunday, April 21, 2019
The Central Conference of American Rabbis grieves the mass slaughter of Christians at prayer on Easter Sunday in Sri Lanka. We extend sympathy to the mourners and pray for the healing of the survivors and all who were injured.
Today’s atrocity follows upon the mass murder of Jews at prayer in Pittsburgh in October and the massacre of Muslims at prayer in Christchurch, New Zealand last month. Each of these crimes is horrific and singular in its own right. Taken together, they threaten free religious observance worldwide, particularly for members of religious minorities in the nations where they gather in worship.
At Passover, Jews throughout the world are celebrating liberation in our past, while opening the door to more perfect salvation for all the world in the future. Today, on Easter Sunday, Christians rejoice in the promise of the Resurrection. May all the world’s prayers for peace and redemption be heard, both here on Earth and on high.
Rabbi Ronald Segal Rabbi Steven A. Fox
President Chief Executive
Central Conference of American Rabbis