Resolution Adopted by the CCAR
Adopted by the CCAR at the 86th Annual Convention of
the Central Conference of American Rabbis
WHEREAS we are heirs of a prophetic tradition which ever sought to repair the damaged
world, and
WHEREAS in our efforts to restore the world to sanity we affirm the following position
which we take knowing full well the complexity of such an issue but knowing also
that we cannot be silent,
BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that as inheritors of and participants in a religious tradition
that encompasses all human experience in its scope, we recognize that Jewish tradition
has addressed itself to the question of the termination of pregnancy. We believe that in any decision whether or not to terminate a pregnancy, the individual family
or woman must weigh the tradition as they struggle to formulate their own religious
and moral criteria to reach their own personal decision. We direct the attention
of individuals and families involved in such decisions to the sentiments expressed in Jewish
legal literature looking favorably on therapeutic abortion. We believe that the proper
locus for formulating these religious and moral criteria and for making this decision must be the individual family or woman and not the state or other external agency.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that as we would not impose the historic position of Jewish
teaching upon individuals nor legislate it as normative for society at large, so
we would not wish the position of any other group imposed upon the Jewish community
or the general population.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in reaffirming previous Central Conference of American
Rabbis resolutions, we commend those states that have enacted humane abortion legislation
and appeal to other states to do likewise. We affirm the legal right of a family
or a woman to determine on the basis of their or her own religious and moral values
whether or not to terminate a particular pregnancy. We reject all constitutional
amendments which would abridge or circumscribe this right.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that we express our concern over the case of Dr. Kenneth Edelin
and urge the Social Action Commission of the UAHC-CCAR to file a brief amiclis curlae
in behalf of Dr. Edelin if and when applicable. We further express our shock over
the decision of the government of Quebec to prosecute Dr. Henry Morgentaler once
again and consider this act of prosecution one of persecution. In view of the deteriorating
state of health of Dr. Morgentaler we urge the Federal Government of Canada to grant
him an immediate compassionate pardon.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that recognizing the role of the UAHC and CCAR in promoting
freedom of choice, we call on the UAHC and CCAR to support the Religious Coalition
for Abortion Rights on a national and statewide level.