Birth Control

Resolution Adopted by the CCAR


Digests of resolutions adopted by the

Central Conference of American Rabbis

between 1889 and 1974

1. We approve the Cummins-Vail Bill. (1926, p. 109)

2. We urge the recognition of the importance of the control of parenthood as

one of

the methods of coping with social problems. (1929, p. 86)

3. We urge recognition of the importance of intelligent birth regulation. We

are aware

of the many serious evils caused by lack of birth control. (1930, p. 78,


4. Reaffirms 1930 report and goes on record as favoring the inclusion of

Planned Parenthood

services in hospitals and other agencies where this service should be given

and urges

that the Board of Directors of health and welfare agencies permit their

professional staff members to make maximum use of these services as a

community health resource.

(1947, pp. 219-20)