Resolution Adopted by the CCAR
Expiration of ERA Ratification
Adopted by the CCAR at the 93rd Annual Convention of
the Central Conference of American Rabbis
New York City, June 27-July 1, 1982
The Central Conference of American Rabbis, assembled in convention on July 1, 1982,
notes the expiration yesterday of the term of ratification by the state legislatures
for the Equal Rights Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America.
We express our disappointment that the simple, fundamental principle of equality in
the civil rights of men and women, which we have sought to teach and observe in the
rabbinate, in the synagogue, and in communal life, has not enjoyed sufficient acceptance throughout the land to entitle its inclusion among the articles of our Constitution.
We commend the supporters of the E.R.A. for their sincere commitment to equality of
the sexes, for their demonstrated faith in the American Constitutional system, and
for the sacrifices they have borne in the advancement of this system.
We enter a new phase in the struggle for the equality of the sexes. May the Creator
of woman and man bless our efforts with success, and may all who promote this cause
continue to wear the crown of integrity.
We urge the members of Congress to work towards the submission of a new Equal Rights