Haitian Refugees


Adopted by the CCAR

Haitian Refugees

Adpoted by

the 103rd Annual Convention of

the Central Conference of

American Rabbis

San Antonio, Texas, April, 1992


As members of the Jewish

community, we are particularly appalled by our government’s

decision to close the doors of our

country to Haitian refugees seeking asylum. Like

our fellow Americans, we have long taken pride in

the compassionate response of our

nation to the plight of those fleeing persecution. Successive

American governments have


to these tragedies by offering a haven in which to rebuild shattered


Now we see Haitian refugees coming to our

shores in search of freedom and justice

and finding instead detention and


Remembering that not long ago we

Jews were the “boat people” of the world, we cannot

remain silent in the midst of this


Therefore, the Central Conference

of American Rabbis urges the government of the United

States to take the following steps:

1. Stop all forcible deportations back to


2. Cease the policy of

interdiction of Haitians on the high seas.

3. Refuse to warehouse Haitians in Guantanamo or any

other facility

that amounts to a

detention camp;

4. Grant

temporary protected status to Haitians in the United States for as

long as

the emergency in that

country lasts.