Resolution Adopted by the CCAR
Adopted by the CCAR at the 90th Annual Convention of
the Central Conference of American Rabbis
Phoenix, Arizona, March 26-29, 1979
Recognizing that much needs to be done to accord equality to women in liberal Jewish
religious life, and particularly to women who have chosen to serve the Jewish people
Be it resolved,
that the CCAR support and provide the leadership for the formation and/or total activation
of a Joint Task Force on Women in the Rabbinate and Cantorate made up of representatives
of CCAR, HUC-JIR and UAHC rabbis, community leaders, congregational leaders and others to understand better the realities, possibilities and concerns of women
in the rabbinate and cantorate. Such program materials should utilize audio-visual
techniques, sociological studies, new educational materials and liturgical materials
that can be of assistance in achieving these goals.
The Joint Task Force should be charged with the sponsorship of trans-regional conferences
to discuss, develop and distribute ideas and programs to rabbis and lay leaders.
In keeping with our commitments the CCAR urges the UAHC, nationally and regionally,
to include women rabbis and cantors as leaders in worship services, formal and informal
programs insofar as possible.
The membership of the CCAR commits itself to the full participation of women rabbis
in local Boards of Rabbis that include Reform and non-Reform rabbis.