
Resolution Adopted by the CCAR


Adopted by the CCAR at the 86th Annual Convention of

the Central Conference of American Rabbis


WHEREAS we are heirs of a prophetic tradition which ever sought to repair the damaged

world, and

WHEREAS in our efforts to restore the world to sanity we affirm the following position

which we take knowing full well the complexity of such an issue but knowing also

that we cannot be silent,

WHEREAS we are alarmed at recent revelations of the amassing of information about

individuals by governmental agencies that severely infringe on constitutional rights

of privacy, free expression and free association,

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that we urge the destruction of existing files. dossiers

and information banks that contain material that invades personal privacy. We call

on Congress to maintain supervision over future activities of governmental agencies.

Finally, we urge a wide dissemination of information about the rights of people under freedom

and call on our membership to inform their congregants of their rights and render

assistance to individuals to protect them from abuse of their rights through unwarranted governmental surveillance, collection and storage of personal information.