Saudi Arabia, US Sale of Arms to

Resolution Adopted by the CCAR

Sale of American Arms to Saudi Arabia

Adopted by the CCAR at the 92nd Annual Convention of

the Central Conference of American Rabbis

Jerusalem, Israel June 23-28, 1981

The enhancement of the offensive capabilities of the F-15 warplanes sold two years

ago to Saudi Arabia, and the sale of AWACs, can only present an ability and temptation

to use them against the State of Israel, against whom Saudi Arabia has sworn jihad

, holy war, repeatedly and only recently. Israel is the steadfast ally of the United

States, and cannot be placed in such a position of jeopardy.        

When the F-15 aircraft were sold to Saudi Arabia, a solemn promise was made by the

United States Government not to deliver such enhancement packages. The new Administration

is bound by that promise, and cannot be viewed in the eyes of the world as not living up to its covenants.        

Furthermore, we must remember the lesson of Iran. The Saudi government is unstable,

and all the arms sent to, and intended for it, could fall into the hands of unfriendly

forces, to the detriment of the United States and the West.        

Such an unnecessary sale, particularly without achieving Saudi acceptance of the State

of Israel and a firm guarantee to join in the Camp David peace process, will only

serve to fuel the arms race and antagonisms in the Middle East, further destabilizing

the region and acting in the worst interests of the United States and our allies.        

We call upon the Administration to withdraw its proposal to provide the offensive

capability packages and AWACs to Saudi Arabia, and should formal notification be

sent to Congress, we call upon the Congress to vote against.