January 22, 2025
The Central Conference of American Rabbis is appalled by President Trump’s Inauguration Day announcement that he will issue an executive order that the US government only recognize two immutable sexes, which are to be determined at birth. The proposed executive order would jeopardize the rights of millions of Americans who are transgender, nonbinary, intersex, or any other gender that does not conform to the enforced binary.
This executive order goes against our religious beliefs and values. For millennia, Judaism has recognized multiple genders. Gender diversity is woven into the narrative of creation: God created the first human being as male and female, i.e., nonbinary.[i] Our rabbinic sages described at least six distinct genders as part of the natural human condition designed by the Holy One.[ii]
Reform Jews, including those employed by the US federal government, are religiously obligated to recognize and respect each individual’s gender identity. The right to exercise that obligation is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution. Reform rabbis will vigorously defend this right.
The Central Conference of American Rabbis celebrates that our Reform rabbinate, our families, and the families of the members of the communities we serve include people of all genders, including transgender and nonbinary people of all ages. The CCAR will vigorously protect all who may be impacted by this unnecessary and harmful executive order and any other local, state, or federal initiative that erases the identities or restricts the rights and freedoms of nonbinary and transgender Americans.
Rabbi Erica Asch, President
Rabbi Hara E. Person, Chief Executive
Central Conference of American Rabbis
[i] Genesis 1:27, B’reishit Rabbah 8:1.
[ii] Mishnah Bikurim 4:1; Bavli Y’vamot 64a–b, 80b, Mishanah Nidah 5:9, Shulchan Aruch, Orach Chayim 55:5, Tosefta B’rachot 5:15–19.