Israel Solidarity Mission

Led by Rabbi Hara Person

When: Jan 27, 2024 – Feb 4, 2024

Please join us for the next CCAR Rabbinic Israel Trip, led by Hara Person. Given the time in which we’re living right now, this highly subsidized trip has been transformed into a Solidarity Mission.

With everything in Israel in such a state of flux at this moment, we don’t yet have a revised itinerary to share. Please be assured that the itinerary will change as we get closer to the trip dates.

Things are changing very quickly in Israel and it hard to know what the reality on the ground will be like at the time of the trip. We are committed to updating the itinerary and finding ways to connect with the current reality and challenges as we get closer to the date of the trip itself. We know that it will include opportunities to get an in-depth look at what is going on in Israel at that time, meetings with MARAM rabbinic colleagues and our Reform Movement partners, and speaking with key people.

We hope you’ll join us.

Please note that registration is currently closed and the trip is fully subscribed. We encourage you to register yourself to the waiting list by clicking here. Should a spot open up you will be contacted by a customer care representative in order to complete your registration.