This Omer, we invite you to join us in strengthening our CCAR community, one chavruta at a time. Utilizing weekly guides that delve into one of three different CCAR Press books, you will have the opportunity to connect one-to-one to study, learn, and develop new Torah together. Registration is closed but the study guides will be available here, and in each weekly eblast.
We will be offering materials connected to three CCAR publications: Shmuly Yanklowitz’s Pirkei Avot: A Social Justice Commentary, Karyn Kedar’s Omer: A Counting, and Merle Feld’s Longing: Poems of a Life.
Current Week’s Study Guides:
Pirkei Avot: A Social Justice Commentary
Overview of study options:
- Pirkei Avot: A Social Justice Commentary by Shmuly Yanklowitz
Taking inspiration from the CCAR Press Study Guide created by Jesse Paikin, each week’s guide will direct you to a few mishnayot that speak to a particular rabbinic role (Rabbi as Teacher, Rabbi as Comforter, Rabbi as Activist, etc.) and invite you and your chavruta partner to explore that role through the lens of the Mishnaic text and Yanklowitz’s commentary. - Omer: A Counting by Karyn Kedar
Adapted from the CCAR Press Study Guide created by Jill Perlman, Nicole Auerbach, and Benjamin Barer, in consultation with Karyn Kedar, each week’s guide will focus on the theme offered for that week (Week 1: Decide, Week 2: Discern, etc.). - Longing: Poems of a Life by Merle Feld
Using Merle Feld’s Discussion and Journaling Guide, you and your partner may choose any of the questions posed each week to guide your discussion, or use your chavruta time as an opportunity to journal based on the prompts offered, and then share your own writing with each other.